10th Anniversary Special Comment


2017.05.11 UP


Since my music writer debut before becoming Editor-in-Chief of ROKKYUU Magazine, I had the pleasure of covering events including DaizyStripper in the lineup. As the years passed, I covered a vast majority of their one-man lives from the emotional Seinenkan performance on, as both a writer and an editor. Even while focusing on my notes or on rearranging the wording of a report, Daizy have never failed to fill me with cheer, no matter the conditions of the day. I’ve watched DaizyStripper overcome a great many trials through the years and their strength and persistence has lent me courage and inspiration in my own pursuits.

The voices of DaizyStripper’s fans have always been a cheerful part of the ROKKYUU community. 

Going forward, as I continue to work with visual kei in my new fantasy novel series, I draw a great deal of inspiration from DaizyStripper’s cheerfulness and powerful atmosphere. I continue to support them with the belief that in ten years, or 100, their influence will live on.

May they continue to light up the world.

ROKKYUU Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Leela McMullen





